We went to a number of destination and settings such as the bridge going over the river thames, the london eye, the houses of parliment and big ben. We also went to a local park to film Casey lip-syncing the whole song which gives us more options for when we go and edit our filming. When we was filming we stood on the bridge for 10 minutes and filmed traffic going past but we also had the London eye in the background. We will be using this piece of footage but speeding it up to make it go faster to make a great effect. by making the London eye spin around faster.
On the 14th of January we went and done some filming round Nathan Powells house. We filmed quite a few little shots just for extra's for when we come to editing we can just add it in. The main piece of footage that we needed was of Casey drinking some shots and looking depreased. Also we took some more shots of Casey chilling and playing Fifa and also him in his room getting dressed.
Can you add any further screen grabs here? JIN