Aubrey Graham (Drake) wrote this song along with Kayne West, Jeff Bhaker and Patrick Reynolds. The people who produced this song was Kayne West, Jeff Bhaker and NO I.D.
This song is all about Drake trying to find his love, a bit of a anti-love love story. Its all about crossing lines and you can see that at the beggining of the first scene where it is written at the bottom of the screen. It's about understanding whats right and whats wrong and its easy to lose that when you're the centre of attention. It is also about Drake saying that he is only going to find the person he loves heart and how that nothing will break them up once their together.

The content of this video is about Drake having to forget how famous he is and not to get into trouble and that he has to go and see the person that he truely loves before he leaves. He don't want to be forgotten about so he wants to find the love again.
I think that the detail that you have used has been good however can obviously be improved, i feel that you could have used some images to help improve this blog.