Our first initial thoughts was to do a well known American artist called Eminem. The reason why we was going to do him was because we all like his music and we all look up to him. However, we was then told that we could not do a song that already has a music video so we had to re think. We then also got told that it would be better to do a UK artist so we was thinking of songs that we could do and those that do not have music videos already made. We thought of a good UK artist who is known and we thought of a man called Example. Then we looked at his album list and went on youtube to see what songsdid not have music videos and what songs we liked most. The song that we liked most was Millionaire which is a bit of the UK Grime genre. After finding the song that we liked we looked at other UKGrime artists like Example to see what kind of stuff they have in their music videos and then we looked at the conventions of a Grime music video.
We then thought of good locations where we could film after looking at the lyrics and we came up of a idea of going to Brightonfor our main location and also filiming in night clubs and inside someone's house as these locations would match the lyrics. 

The costume that our performer will be wearing will be hip hoppy with bright colours that clash eachother well so like the red and yellows with the blue or dark grey trousers with the leather jacket.

Do you have any visual material to evidence your ideas? JIN 13/10/2010