A digipak is like a little booklet which is made out of a cardboard like material. A dual box only has two sides where as a digipak has several sides which can include some information or several pictures. It is also folded in like a small package and opens up with the CD which is placed in the middle.
What makes a effective digipak?
- Various images - Attractive images not useless ones so you can have a picture of the band or something that relates to thegenre of the music that will be in the digipak.
- Colour schemes - The colour schemes need to look good. They need to be bright or attractive.
- Font - The title needs to be in a good font which stands out.
- Stand out and eye catching.
- Everything should relate to your band and your genre.
- Cover Art

I have selected the above images as they all come from different music genres. The first image is of the digipack of the music group called wyth. The reason why I like this digipack is because the artist is shown as really powerful and bold and he has an image of himself on mainly all of his pages. This would be one thing that I would use when doing my digipack.
The other two images that I included was of Lil Wayne and Katy Perry both of two different music genres but they both set the same statement. They both have an image of themselves on the front of their albums with the name of their album clearly stated and I like the look of it. I think that my digipack will look a bit like both the wyth digipack and also the Lil Wayne album cover as the Lil Wayne picture relates more to my genre.
Why select the above covers? Please detail. JIN
ReplyDeleteYou've addressed this now. Watch your spelling!! JIN