- How to use key frames
- How to overlay two pieces of footage into one
- How to fade out and fade in
- How to cut pieces of footage which leads to a jump cut
- To use the pointer tool
- How to brighten up pieces of footage
When doing my ancillary task I had to use a program which I was not confident on using at first but after a while after having a play around with it and picking up new skills on that way, Photoshop became a quite easy program to use.
At first I found it quite hard when making my concert poster but after a while I got used to it. At first I needed to pick a colour theme of what colours I wanted to use on my poster. The main colours that I thought would work well was blue and black so I made a background with these two colours.
When making my digipack I had to make sure that I use the same colour theme through out so I made a background which I could use for all of my pictures. When looking at digipacks I looked at some artists that I would like my digipack to be like and one artist that caught my eye was Drake's. He is a well known artist and on the front of his album cover it has a bold picture of him. So on the front of ours I had a bold picture of MCCabe in the studio looking focused so we decided to name the name of our digipack 'In My Zone'.
Another ancilliry task that we had to do was to make a poster for our artists event. I had to do some research and look up some other artists event posters to get an idea of what I needed to include on my poster. A thing that I needed to make sure was that the poster related to the genre of what my artists music was. To do this I had to make sure the colours were right, the way every thing was layed out, the image of the artist that I had and also the font of which I used.
In our music video we used all of the things above otherwise it would have been a bit boring by seeing our artist in the same location and also wearing the same clothes. We have also developed some of the conventions by using different locations at once on the screen at the same time. Instead of just having one location on the screen then jump cutting into another location, we adding in a technique where we splitted the screen in half where we can see two different locations. Also we added in a main shot with two little boxes of action where we set a key frame of the artist was still lipsyncing and then I made a transition as one of the small boxes to spread over the full screen. Before filming our music video I looked at other music videos in our genre which we could relate to and get ideas from. Music videos that were best to us were some low budget music videos for example some of Devlins music videos and also Skepta's.
I also challenged one convention in our music video as our song is in the UK Grime category which normally means that the locations of the shots should normally be in urban areas or in dark alley ways. We did add in a couple of locations which you would normally see in a Grime music video which were in the studio and also in a alley way with graffitti on the walls. We challenged this form as we also added in some shots of our artist up London. This would challenge this form of convention as our genre would not normally see a UK Grime artist in a posh location. This would make our artist look a bit upper class so this would challenge the forms of this convention as its not in urban areas.